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in what order are you supposed to watch black mirror

'Black Mirror' Episodes: The Definitive Order In Which To Watch Series 3 On Netflix

You lot demand to notice half-dozen and a half hours of gratuitous fourth dimension during this next calendar week. Charlie Brooker's iconic sci-fi series Black Mirror has officially returned for a third season, and it's simply every bit incredible as ever.

Information technology's rare to find a coincidental fan of the brilliant serial. Blackness Mirror watchers are typically rabidly obsessed, so when it was announced that Netflix would be producing half dozen new episodes, that news was met with both excitement and skepticism. The excitement stemmed from the potential to encounter more heartfelt explorations nearly how our dependance on engineering is destroying humanity, simply the skepticism had everything to do with Netflix'southward American roots. Could an Americanized version of the series still contain the same amount of nuance as the bear witness'southward original vi episodes and Christmas special? I'm hither to say yes. This season is consistently skillful with a couple of shining episodes that volition be discussed for years to come.

Ane of the best parts nigh the anthology series is that considering episodes aren't continued, you can watch them in any order yous please. To help yous get through your impending Black Mirror binge, I've created a viewing guide that should make the most out of your binging experience. This guide balances out Season Three'southward gems with its flops so that you lot can rest bodacious you will end yourBlack Mirror binge on the highest notation possible.


"Close Up and Dance"


As far and Black Mirror episodes go, this is a fairly typical ane for the series. After accidentally downloading a hostile computer virus, a group of hackers blackmail the least fortunate teenage boy ever. Perhaps the existent horror of the episode comes from how plausible it is. There take always been a couple of Black Mirror episodes that have existed in a globe that was a scrap too shut for comfort, like "The Waldo Moment" and "The National Anthem." "Shut Upwards and Dance" follows this eerily believable trend. Besides, with news pieces nigh Wikileaks still pouring in and the finale of Mr. Robot fresh on our minds, a hacker-focused thriller is a disturbingly attainable entry point.

Starring: Alex Lawther and Jerome Flynn

Reason for Society: If the concepts of "Close Up and Dance" were explored in any other sci-fi series, the episode would likely picket as gripping and disturbingly revolutionary. However, this is Black Mirror, and the bar is raised a little higher. "Shut Upwardly and Trip the light fantastic" is ane of the weakest episodes of this new season. Information technology'southward nonetheless practiced sci-fi, but it's child's play compared to what'due south to come.

[Watch the Black Mirror episode "Close Up and Trip the light fantastic"]




This one is all about the all-encompassing nature of social media. In a reality that heavily uses a people rating app, a woman (Howard) becomes obsessed with raising her rank by reconnecting with one of her onetime friends (Eve). Written in office by Rashida Jones and Mike Schur, there'due south a sweetly sinister sense of femininity that permeates this episode that has never been explored before in Blackness Mirror. The star of this episode is unquestionably Howard who nails the excruciating hell that is having to fake happiness when yous feel terrible.

Starring: Bryce Dallas Howard, Alice Eve, James Norton, and Cherry Jones

Reason for Order: "Nosedive" is the tertiary best episode of this new season and proof that Blackness Mirror notwithstanding has the ability to use engineering to explore people. If the purpose of "Shut Up and Dance" was to re-introduce you to the universe of the prove, "Nosedive" shows off how swell the series can exist. Much like "White Acquit," this will be a Black Mirror episode that volition likely go a shorthand for the sinister applied science it portrays.

[Watch the Black Mirror episode "Nosedive"]


"Men Against Burn"


This episode takes Brooker's album serial to a setting it has never touched before — war. The bones premise is that a group of soldiers are forced to come to terms with a new slice of engineering science on the battleground. Plotwise, "Men Against Fire" is fairly like shooting fish in a barrel to figure out. Ane character in particular gives a huge clue about what management the episode is heading. All the same, what makes "Men Against Burn" remarkable is the fashion it was composed. In several scenes, this episode watches as a first person shooter game, bringing to mind Brooker's past life as a video game announcer. This may likewise be the most action-packed episode of the serial to ever exist.

Starring: Malachi Kirby, Michael Kelly, Madeline Brewer, and Sarah Snook

Reason for Lodge: Black Mirror'southward take on the inhumanity of war is proficient, but it's not incredible. Like I mentioned earlier, though the pacing and structure of the episode is cracking, the twist is foreseeable. The finish effect is still powerful, just "Men Against Fire" watches more similar business organization every bit usual for the serial than anything else.

[Watch the Black Mirror episode "Men Confronting Burn"]


"Hated in the Nation"


When an online trend starts producing real life murders, 2 detectives have to effigy out what's going on. Clocking in at ninety minutes, this is i of Season Three'south more experimental episodes, and it watches as an ode to great British criminal offense drama. Macdonald and Marsay deliver performances that are reminiscent of Happy Valley, Marcella, and Broadchurch. However, despite all of the good of this episode — and there is a lot of good — information technology drags. That's where "Hated in the Nation" separates itself from its British crime thriller peers. The episode is then focused on its cardinal mystery, information technology's dismissive of its characters' relationships, which is an element those successful aforementioned shows cling to. Perhaps if the episode was tighter or if there was more in its 90 minutes, "Hated in the Nation" would be stronger.

Starring: Kelly Macdonald and Faye Marsay

Reason for Lodge: Information technology really hurts me to write this, but "Hated in the Nation" is past far the weakest episode of Season Three. That doesn't mean you shouldn't watch it. The performances are keen and the episode'southward primal mystery is another that is disturbingly shut for comfort. Information technology's a good sentinel, but I tin can say from experience, catastrophe on "Hated in the Nation," which is how this season is currently structured, was disappointing.

[Sentinel the Black Mirror episode "Hated in the Nation"]




At present we're getting into the fun stuff. A thrill-seeking American who has been travelling around the world (Russell) tests out a new video game, and things get insane. It'southward hard for me to decide which Flavour 3 episode is my favorite, "Playtest" or "San Junipero." Much like "Men Against Burn down," "Playtest" really shows off Brooker's understanding of video games, simply what makes the episode incredible is its theme. This is the only Black Mirror episode to date that delves into pure horror, and it makes that transition wonderfully. Like all great episodes of the serial, yous'll leave this one feeling vaguely uncomfortable in your own peel.

Starring: Wyatt Russell, Hannah John-Kamen, Wunmi Mosaku, and Ken Yamamura

Reason for Order: For the same reason why y'all order dessert after dinner. "Playtest" is 1 of this season'southward strongest, most disturbing, and structurally complicated episodes. The episode lures you in with expected horror movie tropes, then when the real twists materialize, they're genuinely shocking.

[Watch the Black Mirror episode "Playtest"]


"San Junipero"


It was almost guaranteed that this episode, set in 1980s California, was going to exist the most discussed Season Three episode if only considering information technology's such a stiff departure from Blackness Mirror'south British roots. However, what's unexpected is how sweetly innovative this crowning jewel is. Davis and Mbatha-Raw give incredible performances every bit the episode's atomic number 82 characters. I don't desire to spoil any more considering ruining such an iconic episode feels like television blasphemy. If you lot're just going to spotter one episode of Blackness Mirror's Flavour 3, this needs to be information technology.

Starring: Gugu Mbatha-Raw and Mackenzie Davis

Reason for Guild: You want to cease your Black Mirror rampage on a high note, and in that location is no notation higher in the series than "San Junipero." Not only is this one of the all-time, if not the all-time, Season Iii episode, information technology'due south also the simply episode to end on a happy catastrophe. 2016 is going to exist OK, y'all guys. Black Mirror is back.

[Watch the Black Mirror episode "San Junipero"]

[Where to watch Black Mirror]


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